Code Blocks


Function writing is a fundamental part of developing code. It can feel very abstract -- but is a skill worth developing. The video below used an RGB led as a platform for exploring function writing. Arrays are also considered.


FUNctions: A Deep Dive

FUNctions are a fundamental programming tool. In this Code Block I am going to explore a number of ways that we can create and use functions. Why use FUNctions? In programming we use functions for many reasons: -- organize and...



This Code Block explores the basic flow control structure of if...else. The state of a button is used to control the color of an RGB LED. The logic of using if...else is generally outlined.


Mapping Inputs to Outputs

When building interactive or agent based systems you will find many cases where you need to map inputs to outputs. Analog sensors such as light detectors, distance detectors, potentiometers, joysticks and microphones are read with either analogRead() or special libraries...


Serial Communication Basics

This Code Block introduces the Arduino Serial object. Basic use and syntax are introduced. This brief introduction includes starting up serial, the difference between print and println, the difference between literals and variables, an overview of the serial monitor and...
